Pre & Post Care

Pre Care for Brows

1. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine**: Refrain from consuming alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before your appointment as they can increase bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure.

2. Skip Blood Thinners**: Avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or any blood-thinning medications for a week prior, unless medically necessary. Consult with your healthcare provider if you're on prescription blood thinners.

3. No Facial Treatments**: Do not undergo any facial treatments like peels, laser therapy, or dermabrasion at least two weeks before your microblading session.

4. Stay Out of the Sun**: Avoid excessive sun exposure or tanning for a week prior to your appointment. Sunburned skin can negatively affect the outcome of microblading.

5. No Botox or Fillers**: Refrain from getting Botox or filler treatments in the forehead and eye area for at least two weeks before microblading.

6. Avoid Retinoids and AHA Products**: Stop using skin care products containing retinoids or AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) near the brow area two weeks prior.

7. No Eyebrow Hair Removal**: Do not wax, thread, or pluck your eyebrows for at least a week before the procedure to allow for the most accurate shaping.

8. Keep Brows Natural**: Arrive at your appointment with your eyebrows in their natural state, without any makeup or fillers.

9. Stay Hydrated**: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment to ensure your skin is well-hydrated.

10. Healthy Diet**: Maintain a healthy diet and avoid vitamin E supplements for a week prior as they can increase skin sensitivity.

11. Get Adequate Rest**: Ensure you have a good night's sleep before your appointment day to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during the procedure.

12. Consultation**: If you have any specific medical conditions, allergies, or sensitivities, consult with your microblading artist and healthcare provider before your appointment.

Post Care for Brows

1. Keep the Area Dry**: For the first 7 days after your procedure, keep your eyebrows as dry as possible. Avoid direct water on the brows, which includes heavy sweating, swimming, and steam or saunas. Apply aquaphor once a day with just enough to moisterize. If you can see what you applied, its too much.

2. Gentle Cleansing brows on day 8 soap such as cereve, cetaphil, or baby soap.

3. Avoid Touching**: Minimize touching the treated area with your fingers, as this can introduce bacteria and lead to infection or poor color retention.

4. Do Not Scratch or Pick**: As your brows heal, they will itch and begin to flake. Do not pick or scratch at them, as this can damage the pigment and the final outcome.

5. Avoid Makeup and Skincare Products**: For the first week or as directed, avoid applying any makeup, creams, or serums directly on  your eyebrows.

7. Stay Out of the Sun**: Protect your healing brows from direct sunlight. After they are fully healed, apply a sunscreen to the area to prevent fading.

8. No Facial Treatments**: Avoid facials, chemical treatments, and botox around the brow area for at least two weeks after the procedure.

9. Sleeping Position**: Try to sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your eyebrows for the first few nights.

10. Be Patient with Healing**: Healing fully takes about 4-6 weeks. During this time, your eyebrows will go through several phases, including fading and darkening. Wait until the healing process is complete to see the true color and result.

11. Follow-up Appointment**: Attend a follow-up This is usually scheduled 8-10 weeks after the initial procedure to touch up and ensure the best results. All touchups are an additonal $275

12. Contact in Case of Concern**: If you notice any signs of infection or unexpected reactions, contact your microblading artist or a healthcare provider immediately.

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